Watch ads. Get PAID!

Control and monetize your data and digital identity and establish value-based relationships with brands you love.

Young woman in a pink sweater smiling and holding a mobile phone facing outward


Get started today. It’s easy…

02. Create

Create your profile

03. Watch

Watch and interact with ads in your CA$HFEED

04. Earn

Earn Data Reward Tokens (Social CA$H) from each ad

05. Unlock

Hit 5,000 Social CA$H to unlock your Fabric Debit Card

06. VIP Waitlist

Once you unlock your card, you are placed on our VIP waitlist to receive it (you will receive an email)

07. Cash Out

Continue earning Social CA$H. Once our app is out, you can cash out to USD!

*Must be 18+ and a US Resident

Your data back in your hands, where it belongs.
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